Republicans counter Green New Deal

Modern natural gas plant

The GOP is starting to acknowledge the reality of climate change.

Senator from Texas John Cornyn says “There is a growing consensus on is that the days of ignoring this issue are behind us, but the solution is not a massive government takeover of our energy industry that will bankrupt us and kill jobs.”

Senate Republicans say they have a better idea to address climate change than the Democrats $93 trillion dollar Green New Deal.  Cornyn says “Soon I’ll introduce legislation designed to incentivize the research and development of new technology for carbon capture of natural gas.”

Cornyn says there are innovative solutions that cut down greenhouse gas emissions without killing the energy industry, eliminating jobs or punitive taxes. “I expect that there will be a number of bills that will make up an effort to show that we do have a better alternative than the $93 trillion dollar Green New Deal.”

Cornyn’s legislation he plans to file would help the energy industry develop more zero emissions natural gas power plants that can siphon off CO2 to be used underground to help with oil production. He says that’s already working at a plant in La Porte, near Houston⁦.


(Photo Shutterstock/By Rudmer Zwerver)

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