Texas’ economic engine humming

Texas  with hex graph on money

The Texas Economy continues to fire on all cylinders.

Texas Public Policy Foundation Senior Economist Dr Vance Ginn says the seventeen thousand-plus jobs added last month and record-low unemployment numbers from the Texas Workforce Commission doesn’t tell the whole story. “In total jobs in the last year, the increase was almost 270,000. That led the nation of all states.” Ginn continues, “So Texas continues to show that the limited government sort of atmosphere that’s here provides more juice to get the economy going and more people hired.”

Ginn says it’s do or die time at the State Capitol for the state budget this week. He says the foundation wants lawmakers to make the right moves to keep the economy strong and growing. “We need to pass a conservative Texas budget, one that doesn’t grow by more than the average taxpayer’s ability to pay.” A Senate bill amendment would limit budget growth to 4.5 percent while companion House and Senate bills cap growth to 8 percent.


(Photo Shutterstock/Stephen Finn)௠

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